CASCADE signs MoU with four states to strengthen ADPs

CASCADE signs MoU with four states to strengthen ADPs

CASCADE signs MoU with four states to strengthen ADPs

By Ahmed Ahmed

The CAtalyzing Strengthened policy aCtion for heAlthy Diets and resiliencE (CASCADE) programme has signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with four states on strengthening Agricultural Development Programmes (ADPs).

Our Correspondent reports that CASCADE is implemented by NGOs, Cooperative Assistance for Relief Everywhere (CARE) and Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), with funding from the Netherland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mr Isaac Audu, CASCADE Programme Manager, while speaking during the signing of MoU at the 3 day workshop on Thursday says the States are Bauchi, Jigawa Nasarawa and Kebbi.

He said CASCADE’s Mou with ADPs in four states was mainly to leverage on the government existing structures to strengthen the system.

“By providing capacity building and also leveraging on the existing extension system with the ADPs to continue to provide support to the smallholder farmers in the States.

“The intervention is particularly interesting to leverage on the women in Agriculture existing structures across the local government areas who have responsibility working closely with women farmers.

“To also provide trainings around different food recipes facilitating cooking session and other nutrition education services for women,” he said

He added that cascade program want to also strengthen that closely by ensuring that the structures are up and doing to provide efficient services

“By and large this MoU is to be used in the working relationship between cascade programs as an intervention with the ministry of Agriculture in the four states,” Audu said.

The Program Manager explained that the Agricultural input networking workshop was aimed to bringing together private sector actors

Audu said the workshop would come up with models around the service delivery partway to ensure intervention and leverage the opportunities where necessary that could go a long way in complementing smallholder farmers.

Responding, Alhaji Ahmed Mohammed Director Bauchi State Ministry of Agriculture appreciated CASCADE for bringing Stakeholders from the four states together to brainstorm.

“This is apt to enhance the capacity of stakeholders through cross fertilization of ideas to boost food nutrition services and improve skills for smallholder farmers in the States,” he said

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