Embracing Unity: The Divine Call of Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Nigeria and Overseas

Embracing Unity: The Divine Call of Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Nigeria and Overseas

Embracing Unity: The Divine Call of Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Nigeria and Overseas

By: Ojo Emmanuel Ademola

In the rich tapestry of Christian faith, unity is a foundational principle that harmonises believers in the divine orchestration of God’s plan for His Church. As the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) in Nigeria and Overseas is called to return to unity, there is a profound invitation to embrace the transformative power and beauty of unity, as embedded in the pages of Scripture. Just as Aaron’s staff blossomed miraculously, so too can the Church experience a revival and renewal through a deep and unwavering commitment to unity.

Is the CAC Remnants’ (David’s Camp) aspiration to seek authentic leadership in Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Nigeria and Overseas a noble endeavour or a rebellious quest? The struggle against a God-ordained leader is futile. Leadership in the church is not a mere human position but an office established by divine ordination. To rebel against a God-anointed leader is not just defiance against a person but a challenge to the authority of God Himself.

Honour precedes elevation as Scripture commands, “Touch not My anointed ones, and do My prophets no harm” (Psalm 105:15). Dishonouring a God-raised leader is a risky spiritual venture. Just as the anointing that lifts can also humble, King David exemplified this by refusing to harm Saul, understanding that promotion comes from God, not rebellion.

An authentic leader is called by God, not appointed by men, and their weaknesses do not erase their divine assignment. Those who exploit a leader’s flaws reveal their lack of spiritual maturity. The betrayal of a God-ordained leader directly challenges God’s sovereignty, inviting swift judgment.

Building rather than destroying, becoming a builder in God’s house, and seeking correction through prayer and godly counsel are the hallmarks of true discipleship. Obedience, honour, and integrity elevate one in due season, while rebellion brings destruction. The Elder’s words carry wisdom; let those with ears hear.

The Call to Revival and Unity emerges from honouring God’s anointed. Revival flourishes in unity and honour, not division and rebellion. The Pentecostal move operates through divine calling, not human appointment. Anointing thrives on honour, governing leadership and spiritual authority.

The danger of disrupting unity and revival by betraying or tearing down leadership is clear, hindering the flow of God’s power. David’s response to the man who claimed to kill Saul serves as a warning against touching God’s anointed. Unity, humility, and reverence for divine order are essential for an authentic church embracing revival.

Essentially, the quest for authentic leadership in the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) in Nigeria and Overseas must be grounded in truth, honour, humility, and obedience to God’s divine order. The journey towards revival and unity demands reverence for spiritual authority, abandoning rebellion to preserve the anointing and the flow of God’s power. May the church heed the wisdom of the elders and walk in the path of true discipleship, honouring those anointed by God for His divine purposes.

In other words, true discipleship involves praying, supporting, and encouraging leaders through their struggles. Unity and revival in the church come when followers walk truthfully in humility and obedience, and leaders operate in righteousness and Godly wisdom.

In the aspirations of the CAC Remnants to seek authentic leadership in Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Nigeria and Overseas, let us remember that authentic leadership is anointed by God, not appointed by man. Let us build up, not tear down, and honour God’s anointed ones to preserve the anointing that flows through them. As we strive for revival and unity, let us walk in humility, prayer, and reverence for the divine order established by God in His Church.

May those with ears to hear heed the words of wisdom from the elders and align themselves with God’s plan for leadership in the Church. Let us honour God’s anointed leaders, for in doing so, we honour God Himself and pave the way for revival and unity in the body of Christ.

Were the leaders of CAC Nigeria and Overseas, who registered the 1985 Certificate of Incorporation, truly ordained by divine authority rather than merely appointed by humans? Let us explore and align with this perspective.

The forefathers of CAC Nigeria and Overseas, who were instrumental in registering the 1985 Certificate of Incorporation for the church, were truly ordained by God for their leadership roles. Their divine appointments were not mere human appointments but a result of God’s calling and anointing on their lives.

Just as the Bible teaches that leaders in the church are established by divine ordination, the founders of CAC Nigeria and Overseas were called and anointed by God to carry out His work in establishing and growing the church. Their obedience to God’s leading and their commitment to the church’s mission are evident in the legacy they have left behind.

As we honour the memory and legacy of these forefathers, let us also acknowledge and respect the divine authority under which they operated. Their leadership, guided by the Holy Spirit, was crucial in laying the foundation for the growth and expansion of CAC Nigeria and Overseas. May we continue to uphold their example of faithfulness, obedience, and reliance on God’s guidance as we seek authentic leadership and unity in the church today.

I have previously emphasised that falsehoods, lies, and deception have no place among us. A careful examination reveals parallels between the events involving Osegenre’s leaders in 2017 and those of GEC in 1990. The common thread linking these occurrences is GEC’s initial attempt to misappropriate the 1985 certificate. After their unsuccessful attempt, they obtained another certificate in 1991 (which was later revoked) and yet another in 1995, which the late Pastor Olusheye acknowledged was improperly obtained under oath. Similarly, the leaders of Osegenre acquired a different certificate for their ministry, not affiliated with CAC but under CACSEW, in 2022, intending to replace the 1985 certificate.

Let us firmly align with the position that CAC’s Remnants represent authentic leadership, embodying principles similar to David’s. They fulfil God’s plan to return to the ancient landmark and fervently seek revival and unity within CAC based solely on the Truth. By carefully analysing this situation, one can discern which faction of CAC assumes the role of Goliath in this conflict and which faction mirrors Saul in his confrontation against David. Undoubtedly, it is the Remnants of CAC who embody the position of David.

Refreshingly, the assertion that there is no room for lies, falsehoods, and deceit is crucial in maintaining integrity and authenticity within the church. Drawing parallels between the actions of leaders in different circumstances, such as the events involving Osegenre’s leaders in 2017 and GEC in 1990, can help us understand the importance of upholding truth and transparency in all aspects of leadership and decision-making.

The comparison between GEC’s attempts to take control of the 1985 Certificate and the actions of Osegenre’s leaders in securing a different certificate for their ministry underscores the significance of authenticity and fidelity to an organisation’s original vision and values. The emphasis on obtaining proper certification and operating within the established governance frameworks is essential for maintaining the credibility and integrity of the church.

In the biblical narrative, aligning CAC’s Remnants as authentic leaders who follow David’s example of seeking to return to the ancient landmarks and pursuing revival and unity based on truth is a commendable stance. As a leader chosen and anointed by God, David exemplified courage, faithfulness, and humility in fulfilling God’s plans and purposes.

In this analogy, the faction of CAC’s Remnants can be likened to David, standing against the metaphorical Goliath of deceit, falsehood, and attempts to deviate from the original path laid out for the church. Just as David’s unwavering faith and reliance on God led to victory over Goliath, the Remnants of CAC are positioned to overcome challenges and obstacles through their commitment to truth, prayer, and unity.

By aligning themselves with the principles of authenticity, integrity, and divine guidance, the Remnants of CAC can navigate through the complexities of leadership and governance, drawing inspiration from David’s example of steadfast leadership in fulfilling God’s purposes. Their adherence to truth and transparency will ultimately lead to the restoration, revival, and unity of CAC based on the foundational values and teachings of the church.

If GEC adopts the persona of Goliath in this scenario, could it be that Osegenre will bear the resemblance of Saul’s shame against David in this confrontation? The alignment of both GEC and Osegenre with the prophetic utterance of the Church’s First General Evangelist, Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola, foreseeing a time when CAC Nigeria and Overseas would don a cloak of shame at a specific juncture in history, though he would not be present to witness such profound disgrace, raises intriguing questions. Reflecting on my recent statement as the current General Evangelist of CAC Nigeria and Overseas, Ojo Emmanuel Ademola, regarding Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola’s purported prediction of the church facing dishonour post his era, it prompts us to consider the weighty significance of Babalola’s prophetic insights and how they are revered within the church community.

The prophetic declaration of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola regarding the future state of CAC Nigeria and Overseas, where the church would be draped in shame but he would not be present to witness it, holds deep significance in the current context of the church’s challenges. The fulfilment of this prophecy, where it is believed that GEC and Osegenre have taken on roles symbolised by Goliath’s garment of shame and Saul’s dishonour against David, reflects a period of turmoil and discord within the church.

The current General Evangelist, Ojo Emmanuel Ademola, ‘s acknowledgement of shame and dishonour within the church underscores the gravity of the situation and the need for introspection and correction. Apostle Babalola’s prophetic words as a warning of challenging times and adversity ahead serve as a reminder of the importance of spiritual discernment and alignment with God’s will.

As the founder and visionary leader of CAC Nigeria and Overseas, Apostle Babalola’s prophecies and insights carry significant weight and authority, guiding the church through periods of trials and tribulations. Acknowledging a potential period of shame and dishonour within the church does not signify defeat. Instead, it calls for repentance, renewal, and realignment with God’s purposes and principles.

In confronting the challenges and divisions within the church, leaders and members alike must heed the warnings and prophecies of spiritual forebears like Apostle Babalola, recognizing the need for reconciliation, forgiveness, and a genuine pursuit of unity and revival. By embracing humility, repentance, and a commitment to truth and righteousness, CAC Nigeria and Overseas can overcome the garment of shame and dishonour, embodying the spirit of David in rising above adversity and embracing God’s redemption and restoration.

Given the discourse, how can we truly define “the Truth” and strive towards Unity rooted in truth and nothing else? Moreover, when considering the anticipation surrounding the prophecy of a latter-day Revival divinely bestowed upon CAC Nigeria and Overseas by God Almighty, with the expectation that the magnificence of this revival surpasses even that of the 1930s, how do we position ourselves in readiness for such a profound and transformative renewal?

To authentically describe “the Truth” and achieve Unity based on nothing less than the principles of Unity, it is essential for all members of CAC Nigeria and Overseas to prioritize honesty, transparency, and humility in their actions and interactions. The Truth should be the foundation upon which all decisions, discussions, and debates are based, ensuring that integrity and authenticity guide every aspect of the church’s operations.

Unity can be achieved through a collective commitment to reconciliation, forgiveness, and mutual respect among all factions and individuals within CAC Nigeria and Overseas. Embracing a spirit of understanding, empathy, and love for one another can foster a sense of community and solidarity that transcends differences and divisions.

In order to fulfill the prophecy of later-day Revival granted by God Almighty to CAC Nigeria and Overseas, it is imperative for the church to actively seek spiritual renewal, revival, and transformation. This can be accomplished through fervent prayer, repentance, and a genuine desire to align with God’s will and purpose for the church.

The expectation that the Glory of latter-day Revival will far exceed that of the 1930s underscores the profound potential for spiritual growth and impact within CAC Nigeria and Overseas. By embracing a posture of humility, openness, and obedience to God’s leading, the church can prepare itself to experience a revival that surpasses all previous manifestations of God’s power and presence.

Ultimately, the pursuit of Truth, Unity, and Revival within CAC Nigeria and Overseas requires a collective commitment to righteousness, authenticity, and spiritual discernment. By aligning with God’s purposes and embracing His transformative work within the church, CAC Nigeria and Overseas can witness the fulfilment of prophecies and the manifestation of unparalleled Glory in the latter-day Revival.

Unity within a religious organization is crucial for its growth and impact. In order to achieve authentic unity and fulfill the prophecy of a later-day revival in CAC Nigeria and Overseas, it is important for all leaders and members of the church to come together in unity. Just as Aaron’s staff blossomed to demonstrate God’s chosen leader, the leaders and members of the church must align themselves robustly to the call to return to unity. By following the path to revive the spirit of the 1985 Certificate, the church can experience a blossoming and fulfillment of the prophetic promise of a glorious latter-day revival that surpasses the events of the 1930s. This unity and alignment with the call to return to unity can pave the way for the church to experience growth, spiritual rejuvenation, and a powerful manifestation of God’s presence in their midst. Let unity be the driving force that propels the church towards its prophetic destiny and the fulfillment of God’s promises for a mighty outpouring of His Spirit in the later days.

Theologically, Unity in a religious organisation is not just a matter of convenience or practicality but is deeply rooted in the very essence of God’s plan for His people. The Bible is replete with verses that emphasize the importance of unity among believers and the power that comes from being in harmony with one another.

One of the key verses that speak to the significance of unity is found in Ephesians 4:3, which says, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” This verse underscores the importance of actively pursuing and maintaining unity within the body of believers, recognizing that it is through the power of the Holy Spirit that true unity is achieved.

Another powerful verse that speaks to the transformative impact of unity is found in Psalm 133:1, which states, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!” This verse highlights the beauty and blessing that comes from believers coming together in harmony and solidarity, reflecting the unity of God Himself.

Additionally, the Bible teaches that unity is a foundational principle of the Church, as seen in 1 Corinthians 1:10, which exhorts believers to be “united in mind and thought.” This verse speaks to the importance of aligning our thoughts and actions with the Word of God, allowing us to stand together in solidarity and purpose.

In light of these verses and the theological discourse on unity within the church, it is imperative for the leaders and members of CAC Nigeria and Overseas to embrace the call to return to unity with spiritual assertiveness and unwavering faith. By aligning themselves with the path to revive the spirit of the 1985 Certificate and pursuing unity in the bond of peace, the church can position itself to experience the prophesied latter-day revival that exceeds that of the 1930s.

May the leaders and members of CAC Nigeria and Overseas be inspired by the truth of God’s Word and the power of unity to fulfill the prophetic promise of a mighty outpouring of His Spirit in the later days. Let them stand united in faith, boldness, and spiritual assertiveness, knowing that God’s promises are true and He will fulfill them for His glory.

In conclusion, as the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) in Nigeria and Overseas embarks on this sacred journey towards unity, may the leaders and members be steadfastly guided by the timeless wisdom of Scripture and the illuminating presence of the Holy Spirit. Drawing inspiration from the biblical examples of unity, may they recognise the immense impact it can have on their collective witness and individual spiritual growth. Like Aaron’s staff, who bloomed miraculously, let the CAC Nigeria and overseas experience a revival and restoration that surpasses human understanding. United in purpose and fueled by love, may the Church continue to shine as a beacon of unity, reflecting the Kingdom of God on earth in all its splendour.

*Ojo Emmanuel Ademola, a Pastor, Professor, Protestant Theologian and General Evangelist of CAC Nigeria and Overseas, writes from London.*

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