Master Card Foundation, Sterling Bank call for youth involvement in agriculture

Master Card Foundation, Sterling Bank call for youth involvement in agriculture
Master Card Foundation, Sterling Bank call for youth involvement in agriculture

Master Card Foundation, Sterling Bank call for youth involvement in Agriculture

By Matthew Eloyi

Master Card Foundation and Sterling Bank of Nigeria have emphasized the need to get the youth actively involved in the nation’s agricultural value chain.

The call was made to stakeholders in the agriculture value chain to enhance the sector through mechanization to increase attractiveness for the youth.

This was disclosed during the Sterling Bank Plc’s 2021 Agriculture Summit Africa (ASA) a platform dedicated to increasing the value of agribusiness in Africa.

The event featured several panelists deliberating on the theme, “Building a New Agro Order.”

The key focus was to address the need for advanced and mechanized farming methods to replace subsistence farming, which is prevalent in many parts of Nigeria and Africa.

Speaking on the topic, “Food Security; Building a Resilient Food Production System,” Program Lead, Agriculture, Mastercard Foundation, Lois Sankey urged policymakers in the agricultural sector to enhance the sector through improved access to resources to make it more attractive to the youth because the subsistence approach does not hold much appeal for them.

She further emphasized that the agricultural sector if well managed could reduce the level of unemployment in the country by employing millions of youths along the value chain.

She explained that introducing forward-thinking end-to-end interventions will attract young people and will align with the vision of Mastercard Foundation’s Young Africa Works Strategy which is to find solutions to the youth employment challenge and reduce poverty in Africa by creating access to dignified and fulfilling jobs for women and youth.

She expressed her gratitude for the partnership between Mastercard Foundation and Sterling Bank Plc, which is focused on helping youth and budding agricultural entrepreneurs access affordable finances for their businesses.

Key stakeholders at the summit expressed optimism that Nigeria can provide leadership in the region with a vibrant Agric-ecosystem.

Master Card Foundation, Sterling Bank call for youth involvement in Agriculture

agriculturecallFoundationMaster CardOurnigerianewsSterling Bankyouth involvement
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