Matrix and Mystics of African Traditional Religion

Matrix and Mystics of African Traditional Religion

By Lawrence Bilal Audu

So I stumbled on a video where Nigeria’s movie Legend and Africa’s Cultural Icon, Chief Pete Edochie was talking about Africa’s mystical powers and it’s undeveloped science. Although, it is a short reel where he says, “If a native doctor tells you it will rain heavily in two days, and it rains heavily in two days, people would say he got the powers from the devil. But if a meteorologist tells you it will rain heavily in two days and it rains, they would say, maybe he studied it” he goes on to say.. “What is the difference?”

This brings to mind the denigration of African cultures and civilisation where all that we have and are, are demonized and classified as inferior to the borrowed ones we now adorn ourselves with. Africans have continued to be subsevient to foreign cultures, religion and civilisation as if ours have nothing good in them.

I come from a lineage of strong traditional consciousness particularly from the Idoma tribe, in North Central Nigéria, and my father’s uncle whom I have come to know as my grand Father before he died at the age of 99, was a Priest of the Alekwu Traditional African Religion. He was not a Native Doctor and he forbade anything diabolical. His role was to serve as a Priest for the adhérents of the faith, preside over special feasts, provide guidance and keeping the people abreast of their requirements in other to avoid the wrath of the gods.

Before I graduated from the University, at the time I had yet to take a decision on faith, I asked him what he thinks about joining a church and probably getting baptized. His response to me suggested him as someone who knew what he was involved in and had an insight as to what eternity looks like. He said, “I can not at this age join you in Church anymore as I am closer to joining my ancestors whom I have represented before many of you were born. Besides, what new innovation has the Church brought that we didn’t know or practiced before? We knew and held onto the tenets you call the ten commandments even before the white man came. What else have they brought outside the confusion? He laughed and added “Where my ancestors are, is far better than this place where you have to till the soil, suffer before you eat. It is a place of rest where I would have the powers to assist any of my children who seeks my help.” At this point I knew that my jaundiced opinion about life, divinity and mystics is nothing close to what the old man knew.

Another story is told to me by my father, of his great grand Uncle “Iwanga” who was reputed to have very long beards. When he sits, children while playing around him would stretch the beards until they reach his toe. He predicted the exact date, time and scenario of his death and told the people not do wail or mourn when he closes his eyes in death rather, they should celebrate and put on new clothes. As the story is told, it came to pass as forecasted. This knowledge, as explained by the great Pete Edochie underscores African mystical powers and knowledge the native doctors and my ancestors listened carefully and they heard.

In 1977, Bob Marley and the Wailers, released on the album “Exodus” a song titled: “Natural Mystic” The song is a meditation on the beauty and power of nature, and its ability to bring people together. The lyrics are full of imagery that evokes the natural world. Marley believes that nature has the power to heal and restore us, and that we can find peace and happiness by connecting with it.

“Natural Mystic” is a powerful song that celebrates the beauty and power of nature. It is a reminder that even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, there is always hope.

He established that the natural world is a source of beauty and power. Nature, he thinks has the power to heal and restore us and that we can find peace and happiness by connecting with it. “Natural Mystic” is to this moment, a powerful reminder that even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, there is always hope.

My ancestors tapped into the Matrix of the Natural Mystic which was why they had lesser issues to deal with. Although they hadn’t the opportunity to develop this into a more sophisticated science, but the traces they left behind are the wonders modern science is still struggling to unravel.

Matrix and Mystics of African Traditional Religion
African Traditional ReligionMatrixMystics
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