Lady Zakari LDM

Islam to me is the best guidence that Allah have sent to the human race and the race of Jinns as a holistic, complete, fair, just and a total way of life, that is to guide human race of any colour, gender, any shape, size and form without any favour that anyone is better than anyone based on colour, gender, physical beauty, wealth or anything, the only criterion on who is better, in the sight of Allah, is the one that is better in piety, and piety means an internal connection to Allah which we cannot see but we can only decipher based on our limitations as humans to be the practical demonstration of a good person in terms of good actions and deeds. And these message is the same for anyone, everyone and for every generation that have perished and any generation that is to come, from the beginning to the end of Civilizations. This is my truth and the truth of many of us, who are Muslims and who have chosen Islam as a way of our lives. This is the answer I answer everyday to the people who asked me, why I am a Muslim. I said to them Islam has raised the bar no any other religion has attained. Islam has given answers no any other religion has given. Islam has covered all the loopholes other religions are yet to fill, Islam has remained Islam despite the bad attitude, selfish understanding and shameful demonstrations of some Muslims. Islam has defined and has given the highest pinnacle of justice and fairness to humanity, that is why I am a Muslim, because my Islam is just, my Islam is fair and my Islam has given everyone the level playing ground and Islam has “taken it up a notch” to directly connect Allah to all humanity without any conduit in between because Allah has assured us that, we can always call unto thee, sitting, standing and lying by our sides because Allah is closer to us than our Arteries.

When to my limited knowledge, I understand and practice this Islam, do you think, I will ever be shamed to be a Muslim by the dirty tricks of some media person or by sensational fake news or scintillating media headlines or do you ever perceive or imagine that I may be or ever will be cowered out by some handful groups of insecured men, who wants to use Islam to defend their ancient, cultural and self entitlements way of life. Never ! because this is not about them, this is not about me, this is about Islam, the calling that guides even the beatings of our hearts and the sustenance that feeds our souls. What is to fear about anything and anyone, when even fear is subjected to the dictates of Allah, Dhul-Jalali wal-Ikram meaning Allah is the Possessor of Majesty and Honour, the Lord of Glory and Generosity.

Please, when you want to practice your culture, by all means, you are welcome to do that, but don’t you do it, in the name of Islam, that is unacceptable.

Allah has never left any group of people and anybody unguided, so any misguidance or any suffering of societal ills is totally on us, out of our own making. Our selfishness of understanding and our implementations of our misunderstandings deliberately or ignorantly.

So the question here, is: What is Islam to us. I guess that is where “the catch” is. What do we accept and understand as Islam ?

Do we accept and understand Islam as the religion sent by Allah to all mankind, to all generations, to all humans and Jinns, at all times meant to give the universal life best solutions from the beginning and up till the end of time ?

Or is Islam the interpretation or misinterpretation of some of us to protect our culture, our ancient societal entitlements in Kano and Northern Nigeria.

Do we reflect and remember that Islam is not made in Kano or Northern Nigeria, that Islam is the religion of the world, and Islam is meant to give solutions and set our affairs right in this limited existence of the life we live and set our souls free in the everlasting life, we are inevitably going into.

Is our understanding of
Islam, an understanding of a religion that supports men and over exposes women to aggression.

Is Islam meant to address and give solutions to all mankind problems untill the end of time, as our prophet of mercy assured us.

Is the application of Ijma and Qiyas meaning the agreement, the understanding and the consensus of Ulamas (Islamic Teachers) based on the changes of time, not applicable to us in Kano and in Northern Nigeria.

These are the underlying issues from my little understanding and application of Islam. I am too small to argue on what and of where my knowledge is so small.

We all know the answers better in our hearts and souls.

My small and little self,
I bear witness that there is no diety ever and there will not be, nor will ever be any diety, worthy of worship except Allah: whose some names are: Arrahaman, the entirely merciful. Arraheem, the bestower of mercy. Al-Quddus, the Absolutely pure. Assalam, the perfection and Giver of peace. Al-Hakam, the Judge and the Giver of Justice. Al-Adl, the Utterly Just. Al-Lateef, the kind, the subtle one and the most Gentle. An-Naseer, the helper and the supporter.This is the Allah I worship, the Allah I connect with and the Allah, i understand, untill my last breath. And this Allah forbids oppression, this Allah will not accept or ever allow for me to oppress or be oppress.

And our beloved the last messenger of Allah, whose some names are, “The bearer of good tidings (Mubashshir), the warner (Nathir), the reminder (Mudhakkir), the light personified (Noor)”. Our beloved last messenger of Allah, lived and epitomised love and mercy for all mankind, this is the last messenger i followed whose teachings sets me free to be a woman, with love and dignity, to be and to let be. Perhaps this may sound exuberant to some but this is my truth, and this is the expression of my candidness and my heartfelt passion for Islam.

As the saying goes, “Ignorance of law is not an excuse”, but this onus falls heavy on the shoulders of the scholars who have been given and who have taken that responsibility of interpreting Islamic law which is to be guided with Ijma and Qiyas reflecting the changes of time.

Allah is my witness, I will do what I can within my little sphere of influences to pick up and dust up, the women and their children who are abused, battered and discarded day in, day out, in an Islamic sharia state ” ? And I will encourage these women to continue to hold unto the rope of Allah, because Allah is just and Allah is fair. Any injustice and unfairness is entirely upto the misunderstanding of some men.

For an example:
“Ba’a hada mata biyu gida daya saida izininsu, ” meaning you can’t keep 2 women in the same house, untill and unless the women have agreed to stay with one another in the same house.This is one of the accepted Hausa cultures that is not Islam. Attached is a video clip to support this assertion from Daurawa not from ordinary me, please.

If and when ordinary folks like us dare to say it, “the unofficial mighty champions of different men Associations descend on us and pound on us with all sorts of derogatory name callings: feminism, grandiosity,.. etc therefore a lot of good women and many men of goodwill have been cowered into silence, so as not to incur the wrath of some of these Agressive selt entitled men but some of us will continue to say the truth because it is our responsibility to you, our responsibility to ourselves and our collective responsibility to those who are not aware of some of these truths. Our livelihood, our life and our deaths are all in the hands of Allah, only Allah alone, definitely not in the hands of some of these insecured men.

Our prophet of mercy said that “Kullukum ra’i wa kullukum masa’ulin an ra’iyatihi “, meaning we are all shephards to one another and each an everyone of us will be question on how, we have discharged the responsibility of one another.

Are we really interested in practicing Islam as Allah directed us to practice with the guidelines explained and practiced by our prophet of mercy in Hadith and Sunnah respectively or are we comfortable to remain in this complex circle of inflicting pain to one another. The answer remains ours.

Please accept the assurance of my highest esteem.
Allah Karim

Lady Zakari LDM
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