Pages: 147 pages

Authors: Arabinrin Aderonke and Ejura Blessing Haruna

Publishers: Sprezzatura Publishing Limited, Lagos

ISBN: 978-978-58999-5-5

Reviewed By Matilda Georgewill Samuel


In an era where financial literacy is increasingly recognized as a vital skill for navigating the complexities of modern life, “Taxation: Essential Knowledge for Children” by Arabinrin Aderonke and Ejura Haruna emerges as a significant contribution to educational literature. This book, which comprises thirteen meticulously crafted chapters, aims to demystify the often intimidating subject of taxation for younger audiences. With a foreword penned by Dr. Zacch Adedeji, the Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), the book not only underscores the importance of understanding taxation but also serves as a foundational resource for children to grasp essential concepts that will shape their financial futures.

Understanding Taxation: A Child’s Perspective

Aderonke and Haruna’s book begins with a thoughtful introduction to the concept of taxation, tailored specifically for children. The author employs simple language and relatable examples to explain what taxes are, why they are collected, and how they contribute to society. This foundational knowledge is crucial, as it sets the stage for deeper exploration in subsequent chapters. By framing taxation as a civic duty rather than a burden, Aderonke and Haruna encourage young readers to view taxes as a means of contributing to their communities and supporting public services.

The book’s approach is particularly effective in engaging children’s curiosity. Aderonke and Haruna utilize illustrations and anecdotes that resonate with a younger audience, making complex ideas accessible. For instance, the author might compare taxes to contributions made by family members for a shared outing, thereby helping children relate to the concept on a personal level. This strategy not only fosters understanding but also instills a sense of responsibility and civic pride.

The Structure and Content of the Book

The ten chapters of “Taxation: Essential Knowledge for Children” are thoughtfully organized, each building upon the last to create a comprehensive overview of taxation. The chapters cover a range of topics, including the history of taxation, different types of taxes, and the role of government in tax collection and allocation. The authors’ methodical progression ensures that readers can follow along without feeling overwhelmed.

One notable chapter delves into the various types of taxes—income tax, sales tax, property tax, and others—providing clear definitions and examples for each. This section is particularly valuable as it highlights the diversity within the tax system and helps children understand that taxes are not a monolithic concept. Furthermore, Aderonke and Haruna address common misconceptions about taxes, such as the belief that they are solely punitive measures imposed by governments. Instead, she emphasizes their role in funding essential services like education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

The inclusion of real-world scenarios enhances the learning experience. For example, Aderonke and Haruna might illustrate how tax revenues are used to build parks or schools in a community, thereby making the information relevant and tangible. This practical application not only aids comprehension but also encourages children to think critically about their role in society.

Engagement Through Interactive Learning

One of the standout features of Aderonke and Haruna’s book is its emphasis on interactive learning. Each chapter concludes with questions and activities designed to reinforce key concepts and encourage further exploration. These exercises range from simple quizzes to creative projects that prompt children to think about taxation in their own lives. For instance, readers may be asked to create a budget that includes hypothetical tax contributions or to discuss how they would allocate tax funds if given the opportunity.

This interactive approach is particularly beneficial in fostering a sense of agency among young readers. By engaging them in discussions about taxation and its implications, Haruna empowers children to take ownership of their understanding and encourages them to become informed citizens. The inclusion of activities also makes the learning process enjoyable, transforming what could be perceived as a dry subject into an engaging experience.

The Foreword: A Professional Endorsement

Dr. Zacch Adedeji’s foreword adds significant weight to the book’s credibility. As the Chairman of FIRS, his insights into the importance of tax education resonate strongly with the book’s objectives. He emphasizes that understanding taxation is not merely an academic exercise but a crucial life skill that will benefit children as they grow into adulthood. Dr. Adedeji’s endorsement serves as a powerful reminder of the broader societal implications of tax education, reinforcing Haruna’s message that informed citizens are essential for a thriving democracy.

Moreover, Dr. Adedeji’s professional perspective highlights the urgent need for tax literacy among younger generations, particularly in developing countries where financial education is often lacking. His support underscores the book’s relevance and positions it as an essential resource for parents, educators, and policymakers alike.


In conclusion, “Taxation: Essential Knowledge for Children” by Aderonke and Ejura Haruna is an invaluable resource that successfully bridges the gap between complex financial concepts and young learners. Through its engaging content, structured approach, and interactive elements, the book equips children with essential knowledge about taxation while fostering a sense of civic responsibility. With Dr. Zacch Adedeji’s authoritative foreword reinforcing its significance, this book stands out as an essential tool for nurturing informed future citizens who will navigate the financial landscape with confidence and integrity.

Under the editorial guidance of Dr. MS Abubakar, this children’s book has been released by Sprezzatura Publishing Limited. It is strongly advised that this book be disseminated to educational institutions nationwide, as it aims to engage young learners in understanding taxation, ensuring a smooth transition into responsible taxpayers as they mature. Overall, I would like to commend the exemplary use of English throughout the text, as well as the outstanding artwork and production quality. I wholeheartedly recommend this book for children and young adults in Nigeria.

Matilda Georgewill Samuel writes from Ahmadu Bello University,Zaria

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