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Permit the Police Preserve their Apolitical Policy

Permit the Police Preserve their Apolitical Policy


Permit the Police Preserve their Apolitical Policy

By Bala Ibrahim

Contrary to the provision of the first principle of the Nigeria Police, which states thus, Police officers shall conduct themselves, whether on or off duty, in accordance with the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and all applicable laws, ordinances and rules, enacted or established pursuant to legal authority, there is a silent scheme by some mischief makers, to derail this ambition and drag the police into politics, unnecessarily. Should those behind the shenanigans succeed, the primary purpose of establishing the Nigeria police would be defeated, and the country may be taken aback, probably to the pre-independence stage. God forbid.

It may be recalled that, in the build-up to the Nigerian independence, a lot of concerns were raised, among which was the issue of the powers of the political leaders from the three regions, alongside their control of the police. Two major arguments were raised, bordering on whether the police should be regionalized or they should remain a Federal Government-controlled body. In the end, after a number of discussions in Nigeria and abroad, it was agreed that the police should remain a federal force, but measures were taken to ensure that they do not come under the influence of any political party. This makes the Nigeria Police completely apolitical.

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Since assuming office as the 21st indigenous Inspector General of the Nigeria Police, IGP Alkali Usman Baba has been doing everything to ensure the police is practically insulated from the control of any of the political parties, including the ruling APC. However, from the look of things, there is a ploy by some disgruntled elements in the system, who have an unsafe agenda for the country, and who want to take advantage of certain weaknesses, to employ threat and blackmail, with a view to forcing a compromise on the neutrality of the Nigeria police. Should those behind the shenanigans succeed, the primary purpose of establishing the Nigeria police would be defeated, and the country may be taken aback, probably to the pre-independence stage. God forbid.

It is in the pursuit of such agenda, that a series of campaigns were initiated against certain officers of the force, the aim of which is to poison the mind of the society against them, and also blackmail the IGP and his management team, into doing the bidding of these politically peeved personalities.

The salvo was first fired few weeks ago, when the IGP made some deployments, that repositioned some senior police officers, most of them in the rank of Assistant Inspector General of Police, AIG. No sooner than the postings were out, than messages of mischief began circulating in the media, saying the IGP, in conjunction with the top hierarchy of the Police service commission, PSC, are conniving with some politicians of the ruling APC, with a view to compromising the 2023 Presidential elections.

The story couldnt get the desired traction for takeoff, because everyone that knows the Chairman of the PSC, Mr. Misilihu Smith and IGP Alkali Baba, would attest to the fact that they have a common factor as a denominator- both are fine officers and correct Gentlemen.

With the failure of that deviltry, the schemers changed gear, by coming out with new underhand gimmick, this time around, identifying and calling the names of some police officers with credibility, and attempt denigrating, or bringing their esteem into dishonour. Should those behind the shenanigans succeed the primary purpose of establishing the Nigeria police would be defeated, and the country may be taken aback, probably to the pre-independence stage. God forbid.

In an attempt to test public opinion, those engaged in this monkey business, began flying a kite, that  there is a plan by the Nigerian Police Force, to deploy what they called, an infamous commander of the disbanded Special Anti-Robbery Squad, SARS, Kolo Yusuf, to Kano as commissioner of police.

It is not the intention of this article to blow the trumpet of CP Yusuf Kolo, even though in the course of duty, Kolo had distinguished himself as an acclaimed officer that commands great respect, and one that if he chooses to, can readily blow his own trumpet, but the combined effects of his simplicity and humility would not allow him to do that, as a consequence of which, this article would not do it for him.

Nonetheless, the article would not allow mischief makers, whose ultimate goal is to rubbish the reputation of the Police, achieve their objective, by classifying him as an infamous commander. Should those behind the shenanigans succeed the primary purpose of establishing the Nigeria police would be defeated, and the country may be taken aback, probably to the pre-independence stage. God forbid.

In the police, IGP Alkali is known for one thing- giving special importance or value to character, discipline and professionalism. And as a subordinate, CP Yusuf Kolo is properly familiar with such righteousness, such that he cannot allow himself to be coaxed, by anybody, including the Governor, into compromising those virtues.

Like he did in the past, IGP Alkali should not allow himself to be intimidated by the shenanigans of these mischief makers, whose main interest is to drag the police into politics, unnecessarily. He had said times without number, that Police recruitment and postings are based on merit, not politics, or favouritism.

He should continue to stand on that, so that the police can preserve its apolitical policy.

Permit the Police Preserve their Apolitical Policy

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