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Clergyman commits suicide after adultery scandal leaks on church’s WhatsApp group


Clergyman commits suicide after adultery scandal leaks on church’s WhatsApp group

By Matthew Atungwu

Following the disclosure of his adultery scandal on the church’s WhatsApp group, Oscar Mukahanana, a Christian minister in the United Methodist Church, allegedly took his own life.

The Zimbabwean clergyman, a Reverend at the Harare East District Superintendent, had an extramarital affair with a young woman in the church.

According to rumours, the church’s WhatsApp group saw a leak of the audio recording of his covert sex with the aforementioned woman.

He described his ecstatic reaction upon meeting the woman and said they had a nice session just before her monthly period.

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Following the recording leak on the WhatsApp group, churchgoers began disseminating the audio, subjecting Mukahanana to jeers.

According to local media, individuals went so far as to make memes mocking the District Superintendent over the adultery issue.

Mukahanana, who was ashamed and embarrassed by the situation, killed himself on Friday because he was unable to bear the humiliation.

The UMC Harare District, while reacting to the incident said in a statement, “It is with heavy heart to announce to you the untimely death of our Beloveth District Superintendent Rev Oscar Mukahanana of the Harare East District.

“The Office of the Bishop shall be informing the church of developments and funeral arrangements. As a Church, you are being cordially requested to support the Mukahanana family through your prayers.

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