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FIRM DECISION by Pastor Douglas Adekanye

Every new year, we hear people say, “New year, new resolution.” For many, it lasts for a few months, and for a few, they hold it until the end. The results reflect what each did with his/her resolution throughout the year.

Have you made another resolution this 2025? What exactly are you considering working on? Will it be how you are used to or desiring a real change?

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The first resolution that should be critically considered over and over again is becoming who God wants you to be and to work it out as much as you can with the help of the Holy Spirit to arrive gradually at the image and maturity. A decision to change some things in and around your life is fine but will not be that effective until the change starts happening with you first.

Let us consider this scripture –

“Yet another said, I will follow you Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” Jesus said to him, no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:61-62 (ESV)

Two other persons before him came to show interest in following Jesus but their decision was not firm, because they were still looking for excuses to get back to who they were originally. Then this third man too, heard what he said, ‘I will follow you’, was that not a sign of commitment? Many of us show signs of commitment to what we ought to do but along the line, our lives show otherwise. I will follow you is a statement of readiness to kick start the journey but the firmness to move on from that spot of declaration was not there.

Many people today decide to stop some habits, way of life, thought patterns, and deeds among others but it ends up being thoughts that never saw the light of the day to become action because they were not firm in their decisions. For me to say ‘I will follow you’ means I have put into consideration all that should, and have carried my bag to go, not getting to the moving point to look for an excuse to return home. Everyone who does that will find it difficult to progressively move forward in the right direction.

What was the excuse he gave, let us check – “But let me first say farewell to those at my home.” Was he not coming from that same house and would have told them his decision to follow Jesus? What then was he going to tell them that he hasn’t before he left home to openly declare his followership?

Check with yourself, what excuses do you give to always return to the mess which you already decided not to practice again? What is the pulling force that pulls you back always after deciding to move on? Have you considered cutting them off finally and truly? Until you are firm with your decision, going back and forth will be so easy for you, and following Jesus Christ rightly, living by his pattern will be a mirage.

The warning Jesus gave, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God” shows us that we may be caught unaware in our state of returning to the past, the goal is that once you put your heart to it, do not allow anything whatsoever to drag you backward, looking back disqualifies you as a candidate for the kingdom. Why did Jesus respond as such? He knew by experience that his conviction would be toiled with by those he was going to bid farewell. Satan does not want anyone to leave his chains, he likes to massage people’s ego till they are destroyed without sensing it. So, if he returned home, it would not be that easy for him to want to come back and that would make his decision to change from where he was to where he ought to be.

Making a decision is not as tasking as standing by that decision to see the light of application. Check your decisions in the past, what happened to them along the way? Whose fault was it that they crashed? What will you do better this year to arrive at your destination?

There is the new you that you should allow to emerge in the new year. Celebrating the new year is of no gain when the new you fail to come out better. There is a better version of us that God wants to see as each year of our living rolls in and out. Calendar rolls so we should be renewed each year. The only way our lives can bring honor to God is to see that God is seen in us from time to time. That Christ-like life is not limited to church walls, but importantly everywhere outside the church building, so that we can bring godly influence into our business, career, trading, academics, relationship, among others.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Your good works (Christ-patterned life shown in all you do) will bring honor to God and draw men to him. Anything short of that means you are dishonoring the one you called your master.

Be a model of good works and show integrity so that those without can learn the life of Christ without you preaching formally to them. As each year rolls by, we are drawing closer to the time of His second coming. Be sensitive to times and seasons, and be open-minded to see that the kingdom of darkness is not sparing anything to drag men to eternal damnation.

God is looking out for men who will stand in their firm decision to follow, work, and live for him to draw men into light amid darkness. May we be counted worthy at his second coming in Jesus Christ name.


Douglas ‘Wale Adekanye is a teacher, preacher, character shaper, marriage and relationship counselor, pastor, and itinerant minister of the gospel.

He is the Lead Pastor of GOD’S LOVE FAMILY CSMC MODEL Parish, Lagos, and President of For Him Outreach (aka Douglas Adekanye Outreach).

He hosts weekly online programs on his social media handles.

He’s married and blessed with children.

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