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Rev. Yakubu Pam, a new ” convert” to peace on the Plateau, by Barrister Lawal Ishaq

Rev. Yakubu Pam, a new " convert" to peace on the Plateau, by Barrister Lawal Ishaq

Rev. Yakubu Pam, a new ” convert” to peace on the Plateau

By Barrister Lawal Ishaq

Time, they say heals everything. This is practically shown by this gentleman per excellence Reverend Yakubu Pam, the Executive Secretary, Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board of Nigeria.

In the post-2001 unfortunate Jos Crisis, the name Reverend Yakubu Pam was a villain in the eyes of virtually all Muslims in Jos and Plateau State at large. Those of us old enough can still remember his tenure as CAN Chairman, Plateau State.

The gentleman’s journey to a peacemaker started subsequently when he started overseeing a church very close to the house of the late Chief Imam of Jos, Sheikh Balarabe Dawud.

The two men of God bonded well and they became very good friends.

His church in the midst of a largely Muslim populated area at Kwararrafa always came out of any ethnic-religious crisis in Jos unscratched.

This could be attributable to Rev Pam’s peaceful posture in his neighbourhood which started with the late Chief Imam.

His elevation to national status changed him completely as he adorn the garb of humanity first before his faith or tribe (Rev. Pam is Berom).

I was privileged to watch a video clip of him addressing a mammoth crowd of Berom protesters showing displeasure over an issue with the authorities of Karl Kum University.

He obviously came across the crown accidentally en route to Jos from Abuja possibly.

His address to the crowd portrayed a changed gentleman.

His mission to the Muslim leaders in Plateau State yesterday to console them over the tragedies that happened recently in Jos completely won me over that this gentleman is really front for peace.

I don’t know what could have changed him from the infamous peacemakers fameI to a true nationalist, a leader and a peacemaker.

But I can say one of such reasons for his change is his venturing out to the world away from his confines of Berom land.

An average Plateau man also lives within the confine of his village. Meet any man from Plateau in another city and the moment he heard you are from Jos, he embraces you as a brother even of you are a Hausa Muslim.

This is how things should be even at home. We should didn’t allow some selfish crisis merchants and miscreants to destroy the brotherhood that binds us together.

Rev. Yakubu Pam, a new ” convert” to peace on the Plateau 

Barrister Lawal Ishaq,

A private legal practitioner based in Jos.

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