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Speaking as the Oracle of God: The Church and the State of the Nation


Speaking as the Oracle of God: The Church and the State of the Nation

Jerry Adesewo

The Church has long been regarded as the conscience of society, a beacon of truth and righteousness that holds both the people and their leaders accountable. Throughout history, God has raised prophets, preachers, and spiritual leaders to speak His words boldly, offering guidance, warning, and correction to nations. Jeremiah 1:9 states:

“Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, ‘Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.’”

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This verse highlights the divine mandate of God’s messengers: they are to speak not their own opinions, but the very words of God. However, today, the Church’s prophetic voice seems to have grown weak, and many pastors and religious leaders find it difficult to speak truth to power. The question arises: Why has the Church become silent or, at best, selective in addressing the state of the nation?

The Role of the Church as God’s Oracle

To speak as the oracle of God means to declare His truth without fear or favour. The Bible provides numerous examples of God’s prophets confronting kings and rulers, standing boldly for righteousness despite the risks.

Moses stood before Pharaoh, the most powerful ruler of his time, and fearlessly demanded the release of God’s people from bondage (Exodus 5:1). Nathan, the prophet, confronted King David after his grievous sins involving Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah, holding him accountable for his actions (2 Samuel 12:1-14). Elijah courageously challenged King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, condemning their promotion of idolatry and the spiritual decline of Israel (1 Kings 18:17-18). John the Baptist was equally bold, rebuking King Herod for his immoral relationship, a stance that ultimately led to his execution (Matthew 14:3-4). Even Jesus, when brought before Pilate, declared that all earthly authority comes from God, exposing the reality of divine sovereignty over human rule (John 19:11).

These examples serve as powerful reminders that true prophetic voices must not be silenced by fear, political pressure, or personal consequences. Speaking as the oracle of God demands boldness, conviction, and an unwavering commitment to truth.

These examples demonstrate that true spiritual leadership is not about appeasement but about declaring God’s will, regardless of the consequences. Yet, in our time, the Church’s response to national issues has been timid, compromised, or absent altogether.

Why Today’s Pastors Struggle to Speak Truth to Power

Today’s pastors struggle to speak truth to power due to fear, compromise, and political entanglements. Many avoid criticising the government to escape arrest, intimidation, or loss of privileges. This is why prominent leaders like Pastor Adeboye, Bishop Oyedepo, and Pastor Kumuyi often choose diplomacy over confrontation.

Financial dependence on politicians also silences the Church. Many pastors receive state benefits, making it hard to denounce corruption. Similarly, the desire for political influence weakens their prophetic voice, as seen in Father Mbaka’s open political affiliations.

Modern preaching has shifted from truth to comfort. Many pastors avoid discussing sin and justice, focusing instead on prosperity and motivation. Fear of losing members also discourages bold sermons, leading to selective outrage where leaders only speak when convenient.

The Church is meant to be the voice of truth. To reclaim its authority, it must reject compromise and stand firmly for righteousness, just as the prophets of old did.

Consequences of a Silent Church

When the Church refuses to speak truth to power, the nation suffers. The Bible says in Proverbs 29:2,

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked rule, the people groan.”

The Church’s silence contributes to:

  • Widespread corruption – When pastors do not rebuke evil, corrupt leaders feel emboldened to continue.
  • Moral decay – Without a strong voice from the Church, society loses its moral compass.
  • Oppression of the weak – The Bible commands justice for the poor and oppressed (Proverbs 31:8-9), yet without a bold Church, their suffering increases.
  • Spiritual complacency – When the Church refuses to take a stand, believers become passive, thinking faith is only about personal blessings rather than national transformation.

The Call to Speak as the Oracles of God

The Church must reclaim its prophetic role by speaking as the oracles of God with boldness and integrity. Declaring God’s Word fearlessly is essential, as pastors must return to preaching that addresses sin, righteousness, and justice. Ezekiel 33:7 reminds us that watchmen are responsible for warning the people.

To maintain credibility, the Church must also reject corrupt influence by refusing financial and political inducements that compromise its ability to speak the truth. A true oracle of God cannot be bought. Furthermore, teaching a balanced gospel is crucial. While prosperity is not inherently wrong, the Church must preach the full counsel of God, including justice, integrity, and national accountability (Acts 20:27).

Rather than endorsing corrupt politicians, the Church should encourage Christian political engagement, training and supporting godly leaders who will serve with righteousness. Finally, being ready to suffer for the truth is a mark of true prophetic ministry. As seen throughout Scripture, prophets faced persecution, and the Church must be prepared to endure hardship for the sake of truth (2 Timothy 3:12). Only by standing firm in these areas can the Church reclaim its rightful voice in society.

God has put His Word in Us

The Church cannot afford to remain silent in the face of national corruption, injustice, and moral decay. Speaking as the oracles of God is not an option—it is a divine responsibility. The fear of losing favour, money, or influence must not outweigh the mandate to declare God’s truth. As Jeremiah 1:9 reminds us, God has put His words in our mouths, and we must speak them with courage.

If the Church regains its prophetic voice, it can shape nations, transform societies, and bring about true revival. But if it remains silent, it will become irrelevant, leaving the world to be led by corruption, oppression, and darkness.

The question is: Will today’s pastors rise to the occasion and speak as the oracles of God, or will they continue to whisper when they should be roaring loud without fear or favour?

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