The ‘Gods of Men’ in the Church (Numbers 16:1-35)
Jerry Adesewo
In last week’s edition of From the Pulpit, we delved into the dangers of self-appointed leaders in the political sphere, drawing lessons from the rebellion of Korah in Numbers 16. Today, we shift our focus to the spiritual realm, examining the phenomenon of self-appointed ‘spiritual leaders’, often called ‘Gods of Men’—those who call themselves to ministry, exploit the vulnerable, and bring reproach to the name of Christ.
The Korah Syndrome in the Church
Korah’s rebellion against Moses was not merely a political act but a spiritual affront to God’s divine order. Though Korah was already a privileged Levite, set apart for sacred duties, he coveted the higher calling of Moses and Aaron. He led a rebellion, challenging, “Why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the Lord?” (Numbers 16:3). In truth, it was not Moses who exalted himself; it was God who appointed him.
Read Also: The Peril of Self-Appointed Leadership
Much like Korah, many in today’s church have exalted themselves to positions of spiritual leadership without a divine mandate. They are not called by God but by their ambition. They seek titles, influence, and financial gain. These self-appointed leaders, under the guise of serving God, have become ‘Gods of Men’, exercising undue influence over their congregants and turning the house of God into a marketplace.
The Rise of ‘Gods of Men
In recent years, Christianity in Nigeria and the rest of Africa has witnessed a surge in individuals who claim divine authority but whose actions betray their motives. These are not humble shepherds tending to the flock but wolves in sheep’s clothing, leading many astray for selfish gain. Jesus warned of such leaders in Matthew 7:15, saying, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”
These self-appointed spiritual leaders often:
– Exploit Vulnerable Congregants: They manipulate desperate individuals, promising miracles and breakthroughs in exchange for money. Many have turned deliverance and healing services into financial ventures, peddling ‘holy water’, ‘anointed oils’, ‘miracle soaps’, and ‘miracle items’ at exorbitant prices.
– Preach False Doctrines: They twist the scriptures to fit their agendas, promoting messages of ‘prosperity without purpose’ and ‘faith without accountability’.
– Demand Absolute Loyalty: Like cult leaders, they isolate their followers from other voices of truth, demanding unwavering loyalty and discouraging critical thinking.
– Engage in Immoral Practices: Under the cloak of spiritual authority, some abuse their positions to exploit women, indulge in financial misappropriation, and live in lavish excess while their congregants suffer.
The Danger to Christianity and Society
The prevalence of self-appointed leaders has caused significant damage to both the church and society:
- Bringing Reproach to Christianity: When these leaders are exposed for their misdeeds, it tarnishes the image of the Christian faith. Skeptics and unbelievers generalize their actions to all Christians, leading many to question the authenticity of the Gospel.
- Hindering Spiritual Growth: Under self-appointed leaders, congregants are not fed the true Word of God. Instead of growing in faith, they become spiritually malnourished, and dependent on the leader rather than on Christ.
- Promoting Materialism Over Spirituality: Many of these ‘Gods of Men’ emphasise material wealth as evidence of God’s blessing, promoting a prosperity gospel that prioritizes riches over righteousness.
- Exploiting the Vulnerable: Those who are poor, sick, or desperate are often the primary targets of these leaders. Instead of finding solace and support in the church, they are often drained of their last resources.
- Creating Divisions in Families: Some self-appointed leaders manipulate followers into breaking family ties, claiming exclusive access to divine revelations and positioning themselves as mediators between the congregant and God.
True Men of God: A Contrasting Example
The Bible offers a stark contrast between self-appointed leaders and God-appointed leaders. True men of God are:
– Called by God: They do not anoint themselves but are chosen by God for specific purposes. Jeremiah 1:5 records God saying, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
– Humble Servants: Jesus exemplified this in John 13:14-15, washing His disciples’ feet and teaching that leadership is about service, not domination.
– Stewards of God’s Word: True leaders rightly divide the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15), feeding the flock with sound doctrine and not deceitful teachings.
– Models of Righteousness: Paul, in 1 Corinthians 11:1, urged believers to “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” Genuine leaders lead by example, displaying integrity, humility, and godliness.
Testing the Spirits: How to Identify Self-Appointed Leaders
The Bible instructs believers to test all spirits (1 John 4:1). In an era where self-appointed leaders abound, it is crucial to discern the genuine from the counterfeit. Here are some litmus tests:
- Scriptural Alignment: Does their teaching align with the Bible, or do they twist scriptures to suit their agendas?
- Fruits of the Spirit: Matthew 7:16 says, “By their fruit, you will recognize them.” Do their lives display love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23)?
- Financial Integrity: Do they handle church resources transparently, or do they live in opulence while the church struggles?
- Focus on Christ, Not Themselves: Genuine leaders point people to Jesus, not to themselves. If a leader seeks to be revered above Christ, they are a dangerous sign.
- Accountability: True men of God are not islands. They are accountable to other leaders and the broader Christian community.
A Call for Discernment
The church must awaken to the dangers of self-appointed leadership. While God is still raising genuine leaders—men and women who serve with integrity, humility, and sacrificial love—the enemy is also planting ‘Gods of Men’ who exploit, deceive, and destroy.
Believers must be discerning, testing every spirit, and aligning every teaching with the Word of God. The pulpit should not be a throne for earthly kings but a platform for heavenly servants. Those who lead must do so with fear and trembling, knowing that they are accountable to God for the souls entrusted to them.
As we reflect on Korah’s rebellion, let us remember that God is not mocked. Just as the earth swallowed Korah and his followers, exposing their illegitimacy, God will also expose and judge the self-appointed leaders of our time. The church must stand firm, uphold truth, and ensure that only God-appointed leaders shepherd the flock of Christ.
Which are you? A God of Men or a Man of God?
Happy Sunday and a blessed week ahead!