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Womenfolk: The Virus within

Womenfolk: The Virus within

By Halima Muhammad Kumshe

As the world marks the International Women’s Day 2021, which was set aside on every 8th March, is an occasion to celebrate the progress made towards achieving gender equity and women’s empowerment but also to critically reflect on those accomplishments and strive for a greater momentum towards gender equity worldwide. It is a day to recognize the extraordinary acts of women and to stand together, as a united force, to advance gender equity around the world.

Women tend to be the problems of women as they often say, why?, Backbiting?, Betrayal?, Snatching?, Snitching?

If so, why don’t you and I work in changing that perspective or notion of women been the problem of one another?!

That notion that women are not their sisters’ keeper, who always tend to troll one another by any given chance. Women should tend to repeat positive affirmations and visualize everyday into positivity about themselves and their expectations.

Let’s be our sisters’ keeper, let’s be there for each other. The world is only a place for us temporarily why not be humble and humble one another?!

An act of kindness today to your fellow sisters irrespective of her religion, tribe, color, beliefs might go a long way moreover there are things we do and do not even know how God rewards us on that.

Be kind, be humble not because you have a reason to be but because a woman is known to be such, they do not harbour hate, not at all. Women are sweet human beings, compassionate, considerate, tender, and soft becausewomen are home.

Alot of women are facing alot of challenges irrespective of their positions in life why add more to your fellow sister the least you could do is lend her a listening ear if you can and a shoulder to carry on, ask her to be strong no need to tell others about what she’s facing (redicule) her.

This year’s theme for the International Women’s Day, is “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”, celebrates the tremendous efforts by women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Remember, our scripts are still been written nobody knows what the future holds the least we can do is be good to one another, share love it’s all the world needs from you, it is everything someone needs to heal.

Muhammad Halima Kumshe
A seasoned writer and a communicator.
Can be reached via halymakumshe@gmail.com

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