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Sanusi expresses concern over Nigerian economy

Sanusi expresses concern over Nigerian economy


Sanusi expresses concern over Nigerian economy

Former Emir of Kano and the Khalifa of the Tijanniyah Sufi Order of Nigeria, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi has expressed concern about the current state of the Nigerian economy, saying the country is presently in a deeper hole and a bigger mess than it was in 2015.

He also warned that 2023 may be worse, compared to what the country experienced in 2015.

Sanusi , who was a former governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria criticized the current administration, saying in spite of the current mess they were expecting to be rewarded with appreciation after leaving office.

Sanusi spoke at the Akinjide Adeosun Foundation (AAF), Leadership Colloquium and Awards, Chapter 7, with the theme ‘Are Good Leaders Scarce in Nigeria’?

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The foundation is a non-profit organization focused on charity in the spheres of free, qualitative education and free, qualitative medical outreach.

Speaking as the Special Guest of Honour, at the event which took place in Lagos, Sanusi lamented that “the levels of poverty, levels of insecurity, the rate of inflation, the unstable exchange rate, the lack of power” should worry anybody.

He told his audience that the vision of General Yakubu Gowon fell down. He used his days at Kings College and the type of bonding that existed between and among students of different tribes and religions as an example of a vision for unity, explaining that 90% of his friends are from other tribes and they are in Lagos. He wondered why the framework and mindset of unity remains missing in the country.

Sanusi expresses concern over Nigerian economy

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